Confession and Forgiveness

One Minute Moment

Confess a time when you failed ask for or accept help this week.

Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths.

Prayer Starter:

Lord, I know I spent too much time leaning on my own understanding this week. I’m sorry for the times I first did not look to you for guidance and direction. I thank you for sending people who can support me on my journey. Forgive me when I am prideful and refuse to accept that assistance. Help me to be gracious and remember that accepting assistance is often a blessing to the giver as much as it is support for me.

Guide me in the week ahead and give me the heart to ask for and accept help from the people you have directed to support and lift me up.

In you own words, ask God's forgiveness for the times you failed to allow those around you to offer you support…